Love Lifted Me - Elliot Warshaw

This shirt, which features the phrase LOVE LIFTED ME, along with the imageƒ€š‚ like a certain 80's alien, is meant to be seen as a fun symbol of hope, and sort of an official mascot for a great cause. This icon has been synonymous with what some people call the worst video game ever made. However, Iƒ€š€žve found that if you take time to read the instructions, learn about it, and understand it, itƒ€š€žs not as bad as it seems. Thatƒ€š€žs life. The game features a lot of pits that you fall down into. Pits of despair. Rise up. I believe that with love on your side, you can survive any storm.ƒ€š‚  Fully 100% of the proceeds of the shirt sales will go to the charity until the event takes place next year (when crowds can return in full). Donate now my clicking the link:

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