January 12, 2022 4739 Comments
It's an encore presentation of Episode 48 with Rich Walburg. Sadly, we lost Rich this past week. He spent 25 years on the radio in Cincinnati working for 97X, Q102, and WLW along the way. Rich was the Director of Communications for the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber. Rich talked to us about his days in radio, including stories about Bill Cunningham some of which may surprise you, and about how Mo Egger used to call WLW in character. Plus, he unleashed a few killer impressions.
Be sure to listen for the special promo code for 20% off near the end of the episode.
Listen here below, or find it in iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean, TuneIn, and Spotify--- really anywhere you get your podcasts. Be sure to download and subscribe today, so you don't miss an episode!
March 19, 2024 2158 Comments